Divnaya Julia Iz Bolshogo Doma

Фотогалерея: Divnaya Julia Iz Bolshogo Doma

Дата рождения: 15.05.2005 г.

Пол: Сука
Заводчик: Petukhova Lyudmila
Титулы: Multichampion, Interchampion (6xCACIB), Champion of Russia, Bulgaria, Moldova, Macedonia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Grand Champion of Bulgaria, Junior Champion of Russia, Winner of Russian National Club

ED: 0

Высота, см. : 60

Вес, кг: 45

О собаке

Eurasia-February 2006 02/26/06, judge Rafael Malo Alcrudo (Spain), the junior class, 9 months.

Excellent female, very compact, well-formed. The head is excellent, with the correct expression. Very good pigmentation of the eye. Very good ribs and topline. A little large for a tall. Very good front. Excellent support. Excellent movement.

Bitch class winner!  Ex. CW, J-CAC

Nutro Cup in 2006, Judge S. Moononen (Finland), April 1, 2006, junior class, 10.5 months.

Beautiful deep and wide chest, excellent front, excellent type, very massive head, correct bite, good eyes, very strong bone, good body, excellent angles to the hocks, the tail is correct.

Excellent. CW, J-CAC, Best Junior

Dog show "Winner of the Year" November 3, 2007, the class winners. Judge Dr.Horst Hollensteiner (Germany)  

Typical of the breed. Harmonious. Correct in color, and retouching. The medium sized head, typical. Well planted with dark eyes. Good holding his ears. A normal bite. Very good topline. Very good chest. Very good in the rack. Very good movement.              

Excellent, CW, BOS, Club Winner



Aeneas von Vindonissa
дата рожд. 16.04.2002, кобель

Multichampion, Interchampion, Champion of Russia, Romania, Moldova, Serbia and Montenegro, Bosnia, Bulgaria, the Balkans and Sofia; winner of Champion Class at "Eurasia 2004", 7 CACIB, 2xR.CACIB

Karino vom Greut
дата рожд. 14.08.1999, кобель

Sennetta's Sixten

INTCH,CHDK,NO,FI,EW, Nord, UK, Fin, DK, N UCH, KBHV-97, 99, 00WW-98, 00, Eusiger 97, NV-00

Ybsy von Wiesmadern
дата рожд. 15.06.1996, сука


Nana's Livia
дата рожд. 22.09.1998, сука

Bero v.Freibach
дата рожд. 20.08.1992, кобель

Ch Ast CW SCHH-1

Katinka von Enterach
дата рожд. 27.04.1994, сука

Chernyi Prints Brenda
дата рожд. 23.04.2000, сука

Champion of Russia

Duna-Ligeti Berni Berny ( Боря)
дата рожд. 20.07.1994, кобель

Champion of Russia, Grand Champion of Russia, Champion of Russian National Kennel Club

Wekerlei Nagymedve Roys
дата рожд. 24.12.1992, кобель


Abony-Bércy Jeremy
дата рожд. 16.03.1992, сука


Vivien iz Korolevskogo Doma


Havasvolgyi Csurgo-Barry
дата рожд. 27.08.1989, кобель

Kathy v. Questenberg

Ch.Rus, RKF, CW

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AOD 9 years 9 mon (almost 10 years...)

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2 Bernese Dog Show in Moscow Altair Iz Bolshogo Doma - 2 CW, 1Best Male, 1BOS
Dog Show in Moscow Altair Iz Bolshogo Doma - Best male, BOB    

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